Mental Health Awareness: Its More Than Just A Buzzword
You may have noticed that many people talk about their mental health and encourage others to do the same. Take a look at social media. You will see hashtags like #MentalHealthAwareness, #EmotionalHealth, #MentalWellbeing, etc.
October is Mental Health Awareness Month — a great time to take care of our mental health just as much as our physical health. There are so many misconceptions about how to stay healthy that it’s hard to know where to begin.
This guide will walk you through every step of identifying and addressing your mental well-being to give yourself the gift of a healthier, happier, and more joyful mental state.
What Is Mental Health?
Mental health is an umbrella term for a person’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It is about our ability to enjoy life, have good relationships with others, and cope with the challenges in life. Mental health includes our ability to make decisions, think clearly, and manage our emotions in ways that help us function on a daily basis.
My Experience With Mental Health Issues
I have battled with mental health issues my entire life, but I did not realize it until after I graduated from college.
It is the most familiar sentence you will hear whenever someone starts discussing mental health. Not long ago, people had no idea about mental well-being. It is not a new thing. But it has been ignored for many years.
The good thing is that people are now more aware of the importance of mental wellness.
Like most people who do not identify their mental issues, I had experienced anxiety about starting a career, moving out of my city after getting married, dealing with a kitchen for the first time, and, of course, my pregnancy, followed by PTSD.
Initially, nobody understood what I was going through, including myself too. I did not seek help because I thought it was just my weaknesses and inability to cope with challenges. Thousands of girls are enjoying motherhood and homemaker life. Why am I having this issue?
But then, I realized that many are facing the same situation but, nobody is expressing it. I started talking about my experience with my friends and family. I was surprised when they all started discussing having similar issues with me. That is when I realized that Mental Health is a subject that needs our attention.
The Stigma Of Mental Illness
The stigma of mental health is one of the reasons why people are afraid to talk about it. They think people will judge them for having a mental illness, especially true if they are a woman. It is common to see women diagnosed with depression or anxiety labeled as crazy by their friends, family, and even colleagues at work. Many of us think that having a mental illness is a sign of weakness. Well, that is not true. It is as serious as any other illness, such as diabetes. Mental health issues can affect anyone, regardless of race, age, or gender.
Signs Of Having Mental Health Issues
You may have a mental illness if you have experienced any of the following symptoms for at least two weeks straight.
- Feelings of sadness, anxiety, or hopelessness
- Excessive worry about things that are not important
- Difficulty sleeping or oversleeping
- Extreme mood swings and irritability
- Feeling worthless or guilty
- A loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed
- Trouble concentrating and making decisions
- Suicidal thoughts or attempts to hurt yourself
How To Seek Help?
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to get help. You can talk with a family member or close friend about how you feel. They may be able to help you find the right professional for your needs.
If you are not ready to discuss this with someone else, check online resources. Many websites, Facebook groups, organizations, and local activity clubs are available for your help. They provide information about mental illness and treatment options.
If you are concerned about a friend or loved one, you can talk with them. Let them know that you are there for them if they need help. You can also take the first step in getting help by reaching out to a professional who can diagnose and treat mental illness.
The Importance Of Mental Health In The Family And Workplace
There are different aspects of mental health that need to be addressed. Many people have difficulty managing their emotions, and this can lead to poor decision-making. It can have a negative impact on relationships with family members and friends. It is also important to address issues such as anxiety and depression, which can interfere with the ability to function effectively at work or school.
Mental health is just as important as physical health. It is not a sign of weakness to seek help for emotional problems or stress. Early intervention is key to preventing mental illness from disrupting your life and the lives of those around you. If you are suffering from anxiety or depression, do not shy away from treatment. You do not have to suffer alone. Talk with your doctor about treatment options such as psychotherapy or medication. And remember that there is no shame in seeking help for a problem that affects many people.
Is Mental Illness Inherited?
It is a common question. The answer is Mental illness is not inherited. However, it is true that some mental illnesses run in families. A child has a higher risk of developing the same disorder as their parents or other relatives. It does not mean they will definitely get the condition, though. As with any illness, there are many factors involved in developing a mental health problem, including genetics and the environment.
Can Disturbed Families Affect The Mental Health Of Kids?
Fighting parents are the worst thing in life. Problematic families can have an effect on the mental health of children.
A child’s personality development is affected by many factors, including their surroundings and their relationships with other people. If a family has behavioral problems, the child may also experience problems later in life, such as:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Low self-esteem
- Conflict with other people
- Learning difficulties, such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Drug and alcohol abuse
- Eating disorders
- Suicide
The Effects Of Mental Health On Relationship
Mental health affects your relationships with your family in many ways.
One of the most common is that it can make you feel isolated as if no one understands what you are going through. It is hard to accept your emotional validity when no one understands you.
It is also common for those with mental illness to feel like they are not good enough because they can not perform well or are a burden on their loved ones.
When someone has a mental illness, it is vital for them to get help and support. Family members and friends who understand what they are going through are rare. Mostly, people fight alone because they fear judgemental verdicts by society.
The Effect Of Social Media On Mental Health
While social media can be a great way to connect with friends and family, it can also cause problems for your mental health. It is easy to get caught up in comparing yourself to others or constantly checking your phone for new messages or likes. These types of behaviors can lead to feelings of loneliness and depression.
If you are feeling overwhelmed by social media, it’s important to take steps to protect your mental health.
Here are some ways to manage your time on social networks.
- Turn off push notifications on your phone. So they do not interrupt you all the time.
- Use the “Do Not Disturb” feature on your phone so that it doesn’t ping you with messages when you want quiet time.
- Consider limiting how much time per day or week you spend on social media sites.
- Do not use your smartphone when you are with other people.
- Consider unfriending or blocking people who are negative influences in your life.
- Establish personal boundaries regarding your privacy and what you post on social media sites.
- Detox from social media regularly. It means taking periodic breaks of a few days every month or whatever suits you.
What You Need To Know About Self-Care
There are many ways to take care of yourself, but there is one thing you can do that will make all the difference: learn to be kind to yourself.
Being kind does not mean being perfect or doing everything perfectly. It means recognizing your strengths and weaknesses and knowing how to use them both together for the best outcome for you. When you are stressed out about work or school obligations, practice some simple self-care tips, such as taking a walk outside.
You can not take care of others if you are not taking care of yourself. If you feel overwhelmed by stress or anxiety, take the time to do something that will help you relax. Practice meditation or yoga, listen to music, read a favorite book, or spend time outdoors with friends.
How Can You Help Someone Who Shows Signs Of Mental Illness?
It is important for family members to understand that they can not force someone with mental illness to get help. If your loved one is living with untreated mental illness, there are things you can do to help them get treatment.
- Be patient and understanding when it comes time to talk about the issue.
- Make them feel comfortable opening their hearts to you. You are there to listen.
- Be understanding. Do not try to fix things or tell them what they should do. Just listen and be available as a sounding board.
- Do not get frustrated with their behavior or the way they are feeling. They are not doing this on purpose.
- If they need to see a therapist, tell them it is not embarrassing at all.
- Offer to go with them to their first appointment.
- Be supportive. Try not to judge or criticize, even if you have a difficult time understanding their situation.
How To Look After Your Mental Health
There are many things you can do to look after your mental health. Here are some ideas.
- Get enough sleep.
- Eat a healthy diet.
- Exercise regularly.
- Take time away from work and other responsibilities.
- Do things that interest you.
- Learn new skills and develop your interests.
- Spend time with friends and family or anyone who you like.
- Have a sense of purpose in life.
- Learn how to manage stress and anxiety.
- Avoid harmful substances such as alcohol and drugs.
- Get support from a mental health professional if you have difficulty managing your emotions.
- Take medication (if you need it) as prescribed by your doctor. Do not try any medicine because it has helped someone you know.
Some Wrong Perceptions About Mental Health Issues
- If someone is depressed, it means they are unhappy all the time.
- Depression is a weakness and can be overcome with willpower alone.
- Anxiety is just being nervous or worried about things that do not matter.
- If people say they have anxiety, what they really mean is that they are lazy.
- If someone has an eating disorder, they are just trying to get attention.
- Anxiety is just being an attention seeker.
- Depression is a word for celebrities.
Mental Illness Is Not Your Fault
Hey! You are not alone. There are people out there who care about you and want to help. It is okay to be upset sometimes, but that does not mean it is okay for people to use your feelings against you or take advantage of them.
Mental health problems are treatable, but they need to be taken seriously. You cannot “catch” it from another person or give it away. Mental illness is not a weakness or character flaw. It is a health condition that affects the person and his surrounding. It is important to remember that people with mental illness should be treated with compassion and respect by friends, family, and society.
Life is not always easy, but that does not mean you should feel guilty for being upset. You are worth getting the help you deserve, and there is help for almost anything. Do not forget to look after yourself. So, you might be able to help someone one day.
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