10 Tips to Write SEO friendly Blog posts for Higher Ranking in SERP

I am here to help you with SEO. In this article, I’ll share 10 essential tips on how to write SEO-friendly blog posts that will help you rank higher in SERP.

Farah Ali Khan
12 min readMay 14, 2022
A blog Title image that says 10 Tips How to write an SEO blogpost that will Rank Higher by Farah Ali Khan. Features a computer screen & an illustration of checklist along with the author image.
10 Tips How to write an SEO blog post that will Rank Higher by Farah Ali Khan

Digital marketing is hard. You create incredible content, post it on your blog, and share it on social media but somehow your website’s traffic is still stuck at the same level.

The reason? Your competition has optimized the blog posts for search engines using SEO best practices — and you haven’t.

Don’t worry, I am here to help. In this article, I’ll share 10 essential tips on how to write SEO-friendly blog posts that will help you rank higher in SERP.

SEO can be complex and time-consuming, but if you understand the concept, follow some simple tips, and continue practicing, you can quickly see improvements in your website’s ranking. So, let us not waste time anymore and start.

What is SEO?

SEO refers to the process of optimizing a website for Google (and other) searches to earn higher web traffic levels and improve the visibility of the site.

SEO mainly encompasses:

1. On-page optimization: The things you can do on your website to improve your chances of ranking higher)

2. Off-page optimization: The things you can do off of your website, such as link building, will also help).

A rectangular Blog graphic that asks how can I improve my SEO? features illustration of checklist & icon.
SEO is the art to convince Search Engines to notice your content. Let’s learn this art in this blogpost

Many different factors go into how Google ranks websites, but some of the most important ones include having high-quality content, informative article and well-optimized blog post in routine, catchy blog post titles, good site structure, and plenty of relevant keywords. If you can optimize these aspects of your site, you stand a good chance of earning more traffic from Google.

Seo plugins, SEO tools, and Writing tools help in on-page SEO to write good and interesting titles and target a particular topic with good search volume and high user searches.

What is an SEO-friendly Blog post?

Before we dig into the tips on how to make your blog posts SEO-friendly, let us understand what are optimized blog posts. An SEO-friendly blog post ranks higher in SERP against specific keywords related to your business or website.

It not only helps you drive more organic traffic to your website but also improves the click-through rate (CTR). If your blog post is optimized well, it is likely to appear as a featured snippet on Google which can further help you draw more traffic.

Now that we know the basics, let us know some other important concepts.

What is a SERP?

A SERP, or search engine results page, is the page that appears after a user submits a query to a search engine. The main purpose of a SERP is to list the results of the user’s question, which may include web pages, images, videos, and other types of content.

Features of Search Engine Results Pages

Some common features of a SERP are:

- A list of results that match the user’s query

- Blog titles and meta descriptions

- Links to the corresponding websites

- Thumbnails of images (if applicable)

- Videos (if applicable)

In addition to the above features, a SERP may also contain ads, local listings, and other types of content that are not directly related to the user’s query.

What are the Benefits of appearing in SERP?

There are many benefits of appearing in SERP, chief among them being increased traffic to your website. If your website appears on the first page of SERP (especially in the top few results), you are more likely to get clicks from users than if your website appears on subsequent pages.

In addition to increased traffic, appearing in SERP can also help build your brand’s reputation and increase awareness of your products or services.

How can I Improve my SERP Ranking?

A typograhic image with a graph icon that says how to rank higher in SERP.
Ranking high in SERP boosts your business and personal profile

There are many things you can do to improve your SERP ranking, including:

· Optimizing your website for relevant keywords.

· Increase SEO friendliness in your posts

· Improving the quality and quantity of your content

· Add links pointing to authoritative sites

· Building backlinks from high-quality websites

· Add links in your article to other pages. This is called internal linking.

· Do content SEO

· Add alt text to images

· Try to write a longer article because many agree that for SEO, longer posts perform

How Search Engines Rank Blogposts?

There are two ways in which a blog post can appear on SERP.

1. Organic search results

2. Paid advertisements

Here, we will discuss the Organic Search only which is SEO.

Organic search results are those that are not sponsored and are based purely on the quality of the content. The position of your blog post in organic search results is determined by Google’s algorithm.

A rectangular shaped blog graphic that emphasizes on importance of backlinks with icons of pencils, checklist & others
Backlinks are game-changers only when they come from authentic and authoritative sources

Google uses more than 200 factors to rank a web page but the most important ones are:

· Keywords

· Content Quality and Blog Structure

· Backlinks

· User Engagement

· Social Shares

· Speed

and a lot more.

Read More by the Author

10 Tips to write SEO Friendly Blog posts with Higher Chances of Ranking

It is no secret that SEO can be a game-changer when it comes to driving traffic to your blog. But what many bloggers don’t realize is that there are a few simple things you can do to write SEO-friendly blogs and increase your chances of ranking higher on search engine results pages. Proper SEO-friendly blog posts can get you in the Google index which is like a database of Google.

Here are the 10 easy but essential SEO tips.

1. Do your research

2. Find the right keywords

3. Use keyword-rich titles

4. Optimize your meta tags

5. Use keyword-rich URLs

6. Optimize your images

7. Use keyword-rich anchor text

8. Promote your content — link building

9. Monitor your results

10. Keep your content fresh and relevant

  1. Do your Research

Keyword Research is the first and most important step in SEO. You need to identify what keywords your target audience is searching for and then use those relevant keywords throughout your blog post.

Never forget that you are writing content for your audience first. Consider the user intent and target keywords and interesting titles.

An infographic about Keyword distribution technique & avoid keyword stuffing in blogpost
Keywords, if distributed smartly, can help you rank high in SERP

2. Find the Right Keywords

There are many different tools you can use to help you find the right keywords, such as Google AdWords Keyword Planner, ahrefs, Moz, semrush.com, and wordtracker.com. Start writing valuable content and avoid keyword stuffing.

3. Use Keyword-Rich Titles

A great post with a catchy blog title grabs the user’s attention. Your title should be reflective of the main keyword you want to rank for. A title that is too long or doesn’t make sense will only hurt your chances of ranking in search engines. Keep your titles short, sweet, and to the point. Add keywords in the search box to find related search queries.

A typographic image about how to write effective Title for blogpost to rank high in SERP
A title is something that grabs the attention first

4. Optimize your Meta Tags

Meta tags are HTML tags that provide information about your website to search engines. The two most important meta tags for SEO are the title tag and the meta description tag. Your title tag should be 65 characters or less and your meta descriptions should be 155 characters or less.

5. Use Keyword-Rich URLs

Search engines give preference to websites with keyword-rich URLs. So, if possible, try to include a keyword in your URL. For example, if you’re writing a blog post about “How to make the perfect cup of coffee,” your URL could be something like www.yourdomain.com/how-to-make-the-perfect-cup-of-coffee.

6. Optimize your Images

Make sure to include keywords in your image file names and fill out the alternate text field with a brief, keyword-rich description of the image. Many people misunderstand the concept of Caption and Alt Text for an image.

A caption is a text that appears below an image, while the alt text is the text that appears when you hover your mouse over an image. It is specifically for screen readers and search engine bots/crawlers. Use keyword-rich alt text.

7. Use Keyword-Rich Anchor Text, Internal Links and Focus on Relevant Content

Anchor text is the clickable part of a hyperlink. Use keywords as your anchor text. This will help search engines understand what your page is about and give you a boost in the rankings. Use internal links to target your old posts and outbound links to add authority to your site. Write content for the user first and SERP later.

Rectangle shaped graphic about 6 components of on-page SEO
on-page SEO is the quality and manner that improves and presents your content

8. Promote your Content | Link Building

Link building is the process of acquiring links from other websites to your own website. The more high-quality links you have pointing to your website, the higher your website will rank on search engine results pages.

There are a number of ways to build links, such as guest blogging, writing press releases, and submitting your website to directories.

An infograph about free marketing platforms to promote your blog content with icons of tiktok, instagram, medium, blogger, twitter, facebook, linkedin, reddit, pinterest, quora etc
Writing good content is not enough. Promote and Spread your content on other platforms to direct traffic

9. Monitor your Results

Use Google Analytics or another similar tool to track your website’s traffic and see how your SEO efforts are paying off. This will help you identify what’s working and what needs to be improved.

Google Analytics lets you keep track of your website’s traffic and engagement. It can also help you measure how effective your advertising is. GA4 is the newest version of Google Analytics. It works with websites and apps to give you even more detailed information about your visitors.

10. Keep your Content Fresh and Relevant

One of the most important things you can do to improve your SEO is to regularly publish fresh, relevant content. Search engines love websites that are constantly updated with new content and will reward you with higher rankings. So, make sure to keep your content fresh and relevant.

Write a new blog post following the latest SEO tips with internal links using relevant Anchor text, to target your other posts. for SEO purpose, write content that makes sense and do not contain large paragraphs.

When you start writing content optimized for both users and search engines, your posts get organic responses.

Some Bonus Tips

· Use Grammarly and other writing tools to get the best content

Read More about useful writing tools

· Use Answer the Public, Quora and Medium to research the topic

· Use Google trends to see what people are talking about

· For free stock images, use Unsplash or Pixabay

· Use Canva to design catchy graphics

· Use tools like CoSchedule to help with your content marketing strategy

· Link your content. Use strong outbound links in your blog and do not forget internal linking with your already published content.

· A website that is optimized for mobile devices generates leads and more likely to appear in Google searches.

Pro Tip: Optimize your Content for the Featured Snippet

When it comes to SEO, optimizing your content for featured snippets can give you a major boost in search rankings.

Identify the type of featured snippet you want to aim for. The main types of featured snippets are:

· Paragraph snippets

· List snippets

· Table snippets

Others are video snippets and double featured snippets etc.

Try to answer questions that you, as a user, type in the search box. Use rich media like images, videos, etc. to make your content more engaging and visually appealing. The length to get featured in the snippet should be small like 40–50 words. This will help you stand out in the search results and increase your chances of getting featured.

10 Common Mistakes while Writing a Blog post

SEO can be a complex and time-consuming process, but it is worth it if you want google crawlers to find your site and list it in search engine rankings. If you are serious about improving your site’s ranking, be sure to avoid these common mistakes during the blog writing process.

1. Boring blog post title

2. Writing Long, Boring, and Unclear blog articles

3. Not including Visuals in Your Posts

4. Starting Your blog article with a Quote

5. Failing to Edit and Proofread Your Posts

6. Not Updating your other blog posts

7. Not Promoting Your Posts

8. Republishing Old Content as New without doing content SEO

9. Not adding internal and external links

10. Neglecting to Use Calls to Action

SEO is essential if you want your blog posts to be successful. By optimizing your posts for Google search, you can improve your chances of ranking higher and earning more traffic. However, SEO can be complex and time-consuming. If you’re not careful, it’s easy to make common mistakes that can hurt your blog post’s chances of ranking well.

The image tells quick practices to intelligently distribute keyword throughout the blogpost & avoid keyword stuffing.
Distribute your keyword smartly throughout the content.

To avoid these mistakes, be sure to optimize your posts for SEO, write clear and concise posts, include visuals, edit and proofread your work, post regularly, promote your content, and use calls to action.

By following these tips, you can improve your blog post’s chances of success.

An example of a balance long-form blogpost by the Author. Read and leave your feedback.


Everyone wants their blog to appear on the first page of search engines. For SEO purposes, user-friendliness is important. Use signal words, transition words, and related keywords. A Series of amazing articles on the same topic with good writing skills and routine search engine optimization of existing posts can prove to be a game-changer.

Very informative articles and longer blog posts may go unnoticed if you do not do proper formatting of content. Blog content should hit the search intent of blog readers. Encourage users to engage with your post.

SEO is a complex and ever-changing topic, but it’s important to keep up with the latest trends to ensure that your website is visible on search engine results pages. By following the tips in this blog post, you can improve your SEO and get more traffic to your website.

SEO Success is writing articles related to your old posts and engaging users by following all the necessary tips. Bloggers prefer to target keywords with low competition.

If you’re looking for help with your SEO, contact me today and I’ll be happy to help you improve your website’s ranking on search engine results pages.


1. What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It’s the process of optimizing your website to rank higher on search engine results pages.

2. How can I improve my SEO?

There are a number of things you can do to improve your SEO, such as using keyword-rich URLs, optimizing your images, and promoting your content.

3. What is the best way to learn SEO?

The best way to learn SEO is to read blogs and articles about the topic, such as this one. Youtube videos about SEO are available in many languages. Watch, focus, learn and practice. You can also attend conferences and webinars, or hire an SEO consultant to help you improve your website’s ranking.

4. What are some common SEO mistakes?

Some common SEO mistakes include using too much keyword stuffing, using the wrong keywords, and not promoting your content.

5. If I do SEO on my site, would there be an overnight ranking improvement?

No, SEO is a long-term strategy. It can take months or even years to see a significant improvement in your website’s ranking. However, if you’re patient and consistent with your efforts, you will eventually see results.

6. What are some of the most important ranking factors?

Some of the most important ranking factors include having high-quality content, having high-quality backlinks, and using the right keywords.

7. What is a backlink?

A backlink is a link from another website to your website. Backlinks are important because they help improve your website’s ranking on search engine results pages.

8. How can I get more backlinks to my website?

There are a number of ways to get more backlinks to your websites, such as guest blogging, directory submissions, and social media.

9. Is Google the only Search Engine that prefers SEO blogpost?

No, other search engines like Bing, Baidu, Yandex, etc also prefer SEO blog posts.

10. What is the most effective length for an SEO blog post?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as it depends on a number of factors, such as your audience and your keywords. However, a good rule of thumb is to aim for at least 1,000 words.

Thank you for reading. Share your questions, confusion, experience, success, or failures with SEO in the comments section.



Farah Ali Khan

I am currently working in the fields of Content Writing & SEO. A Published Author, Multilingual, Quick Learner | Mother | Student of Digital marketing.